
STORY: The Youth Corp and the Virgin Girl - Episode Eight & Nine


Episode 8

Titi, please I need you to have this money, it is N12, 000 get a good phone so we can keep in touch. She said, Of what good will it be Segun when I know I cannot have you forever.
I then said, Please Titi, I just need to know how you are fairing, to know if I can help you with anything, to hear your sweet voice again. Please Titi it means a lot to me.
She took the money and she started sobbing again and she said. Good bye Segun, good bye…” As she ran away in tears. I stood and watched her fade away in sight. I had tears in my eyes and felt emptiness within.
The vehicle got filled and I embarked on my journey to Lagos. As I journeyed I reflected on the sweet moments Titi and I shared. I then realized they were the best times of my life and I felt privileged to have had such memories. I got home and met my family, everyone was happy to see me again. I sure did miss home and all the comforts, but nothing compared to Titi whom I missed dearly. I knew I would probably not see her again and everything we had would only linger in thoughts till they grow dim with time.
A week passed and I hear from Titi as I suspected. I knew she must have taken the decision to stay aloof; it must have been very hard on her. I had no option than to move on and face the reality before me. Through my mums connection, I was able to secure a very profitable job in one of the biggest oil companies in Nigeria, in just 3 weeks after my youth service.
Hope youre enjoying the story?


Episode 9

Through my mums connection, I was able to secure a very profitable job in one of the biggest oil companies in Nigeria, in just 3 weeks after my youth service. The company made arrangements for me to travel to the U.S for a 10 months managerial course. I only wished I could tell the good news to Titi, but there was no means, she has no phone, she is not on social media and not even an email account.
Few days later I traveled to Texas, U.S. It was a wonderful learning experience and I was well taken care of. I met people from different parts of the world and I had a great time. At the end of the exercise, I returned back to Nigeria and the following day I was assigned to the position of an assistant manager. I had my own office and desk, it was too good to be true. My salary was wow! My life was beautiful.
After 3 months of working I was able to acquire a brand new car. I could afford any luxury that I wanted. My fashion changed, I got lots of cool natives and suits, expensive wrist watches, perfumes etc. I know how to spend my money, every month it kept on growing in numbers and since I really an outgoing type with only few friends I had a huge savings.
A former course mate at the University was having a wedding. I was invited and I felt it was a very good opportunity for me to meet up with good old friends. I came late for the church wedding so I took a back seat and shortly after the church ceremony ended and we all dispersed to the reception not too far away.
At the reception I took a secluded seat. I never really liked to mingle and I decided to just observe from a distance. I saw lots of old faces that made me smile. It was really good seeing their happy faces again. But a face I would never forget was Oyiza. I had a major crush on Oyiza for 2 sessions and a semester, until she and KURE started dating shortly before we all graduated.
Oyiza never reciprocated the feelings and it was difficult to open up to her. She’s a beautiful fair skinned lady and very decent. She was into crafts. She made beads, shoes, bags and cloths. She carved out a name for herself on campus. I was so pleased to see everyone smiling and having a good time. I was busy with my phone and next thing, I looked up and I saw Oyiza coming my way. My heart beat began to accelerate faster as she approached me. She had a smile on and I knew I was in trouble. She pulled out a seat on my table and sat down, she then said. Look who we have here, Mr. Loner. You havent really changed have you? I said, hi Oyiza, so good to see you. She then said, Oh Segun, the guy I liked so much but never had the balls to walk up to me. I said, Wait, you mean it. She said. You never knew I liked you? Why did you think I was always in your class hanging with Adambize? I then said, oh my God! But you ended up dating KURE now? She then said, You are pathetic Segun. If you knew how long I came around your class hoping you would act, you know, I knew you have always been serious minded, focused and very dedicated. You were not just man enough. I then said to her. Are you still with KURE? She said, KURE and I broke up during service year, he serious at all. I then said, Is it too late, Oyiza? She laughed and shook her head. Segun you are still pathetic. You havent changed but its still cute though.
I then asked her, How about your craft business? She said Its doing well, I use my house for now but I really need a place because sometimes I get large orders and no space to work. I am thinking of getting a job so I can save up to get a place for my business.
I then said Okay, Oyiza, I know I messed up in the past. I am sorry about that, I was very shy and immature. I have really changed, trust me on this. I have always admired you, always patronize your crafts even though I never needed them. If theres nobody you are seeing, please consider me. I am begging you.

Can we take a break before episode 10?

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