
5 marriage secrets you shouldn't tell your friends

Women gisting

Your bestfriend may like a sister to you, and you guys don't keep secrets from each other, but when it comes to marriage, you'll need to keep your lips sealed on some things.

Imagine sharing a very private matter about your marriage with your friend, and you hear it from someone else who shouldn't know. How would you feel?
While some things may constitute interesting gist topics, there are some that you should never ever let slip where your marriage is concerned.
  1. How much your spouse makes: A lot of couples already compete - who drives a better car? Whose house is bigger? If you then reveal how much your husband earns, friends may categorize you unfairly. You wouldn't want friends to write off your issues as unimportant because they believe you make too much money to have real problems -- or treat you with an air of superiority because they make more than you (although the best kinds of friends would do neither -- consciously, anyway). Maintain the balance in your friendship by keeping all financial discussions private.
  2. Your spouse is being a jerk: Honestly, it feels good to vent to friends when your husband is driving you crazy and a little complaining is fine, but once you convince friends that your husband is a jerk, they're not going to forget it. You may make up or get over your epic fight, but your friend may not be able to quite so easily.
  3. Which of your friends your partner dislikes: Don't let marriage get in the way of a good friendship. If one of your close friend turns your husband off (or vice versa), don't tell her or him. In fact, don't even tell your other friends at all, especially if the affected pal didn't really do anything to deserve a bad rap.
  4. The amount of your debt: Truth is, nearly every married couple has some debt, but how much or how little says a lot about your financial stability as a couple. Friends may feel resentful if you brag about how little debt you and your husband have accumulated over the years. If you complain that you have too much debt, friends may not invite you to their house party because they feel guilty that they're doing better. Don't give friends a reason to judge you.
  5. Details about your sex life: It may be thrilling to compare notes with friends about your sex lives, but there are certain details that are best left out. For example, your partner's sexual fetishes, the size (and unofficial moniker) of his penis and any other tidbits you wouldn't want people to whisper about behind your back.

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